
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

If you mark any of the following statements, please talk with your physician or other appropriate health care provider before engaging in exercise.

__ I have a heart condition and my health care professional recommends only medically supervised physical activity.

__ During or right after I exercise, I often have pains or pressure in my neck, left shoulder, or arm.

__ I have developed chest pain within the last month.

__ I tend to lose consciousness or fall over due to dizziness.

__ I feel extremely breathless after mild exertion.

__ My health care provider recommended that I take medicine for high blood pressure or a heart condition.

__ I have bone or joint problems that limit my ability to do moderate-intensity physical activity.

__ I have a medical condition or other physical reason not mentioned here that might need special attention in an exercise program.

__ I am pregnant and my health care professional hasn’t given me the OK to be physically active.


Tips to reduce stress from sitting too much

Tips to reduce stress from sitting too much


Get up at least twice an hour. (If you stand up and almost sit down 10 times, you’ll work your legs, butt and core as well as energize yourself.)


Cross one ankle over your knee, sit up tall and slowly and gently lean forward. (This opens the hips.)


Hold your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows wide, sit up tall, inhale and gently look up toward the ceiling arching your upper back and neck to stretch your chest. On the exhale gently come back to neutral.


Ingrid can assist you with Personal Training, Yoga, Nutrition, or Fitness Consulting. Whether you want to get stronger, learn optimal movement, start or improve your yoga practice, get a handle on your eating, or need consultation in this health realm, Ingrid can help you.

Ingrid has been active in sports all her life, practicing swimming, soccer, windsurfing, running 13 NYC marathons, mountaineering, biking, rollerblading, or yoga. After years in the corporate world in sales and consulting to Fortune 500 companies, her defining moment came when she asked herself when and where she was happiest? She looked forward to exercise or some kind of movement each day and the natural segue was to find a way to earn her keep doing things she loved. Working at a fitness facility seemed a good fit.

For over 12 years now, Ingrid has been among the top-level trainers at Equinox including the VIP gym “E” at Time Warner Center in New York City. Her experience includes teaching in corporate environments, a hospital psychiatric ward, Pace University, and a charter school in Harlem. With several outside fitness educational certifications including Precision Nutrition non-medical Nutritional Counselor, TRX, Power Plate, Kettle-Bells, Pre-post natal, pre-post rehab, Cancer Exercise Specialist, as well as over 200 hour Yoga teacher training, she is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with NSCA.

Her fitness philosophy may be summed up as “get fit to fully be and live in the body you were given.” Moving with grace, awareness, strength, skill, coordination, and balance leaves one feeling more connected to oneself and the world, and any exterior physical benefit is a residual bi-product. Even if the exterior ‘look’ is the initial motivation to get you to move in the first place, you’ll feel better for the experience and results of working with Ingrid.